Wednesday, 14 December 2011

Pancreatic cancer

One of my main reasons for starting the Rally2Raise project was my 39 year old very good friend being diagnosed with pancreatic cancer.

As a medical professional knowing about this version of the disease I found it difficult to provide reassurance for both my own fiancé and the sufferer's close family and friends. After all, he had age on his side at 39.

As time has drawn on since the diagnosis, the news has come to me today that our pal is not well at all. We are sending every last bit of good wishes, love, hope and healing to him, if there is any justice in life he will make a full recovery. Come on lad, you’ve got a wedding to attend next November, be stronger than that dirty, indiscriminate disease. We love you very much, Rach, Barry and Archie.

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